Clinical Case

September 09, 2024

Opening of the registration period

December 11, 2024

Closing of the registration period

September 09, 2024

Opening of the abstract submission period

October 31, 2024

Deadline for submission of abstracts


12nd TTD Group Clinical Case contest

Bases of participation

The objectives of the 12nd Clinical Case Competition of the TTD Group are to promote the dissemination of clinical experiences in the field of digestive tumours and to reward their originality and scientific quality.

The submission of a clinical case to the competition necessarily implies the participant’s full and unconditional acceptance of these rules.

1. Who can participate

  • It is essential that the clinical cases have been developed in accredited educational centers.
  • The cases submitted must not have been previously published.
  • Subject: digestive tumors.
  • Authorship:
    • First author: resident of Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Digestive Surgery or any other specialty related to digestive tumors, with legal residence in Spain and in active status before the submission deadline.
    • Each participant can only sign a single case as “first author”.
    • The number of authors may not exceed 10, including the first author and the tutor of the clinical case (last author).
  • Obligaciones del primer autor:
    • The first author guarantees the original authorship of the case and that its submission to the competition does not imply a conflict of interest with the Service to which it belongs. The works must be supervised by an assistant of the Service, who will be in charge of guaranteeing the quality of the case and validating it for participation in the competition.
    • The first author is responsible for the originality of the written contributions and images presented, as well as the request for informed consent to patients if necessary, exempting the TTD Group from any responsibility for the potential claims that in concept of authorship and patrimonial exploitation may exist on the totality of the material contributed by him/her, facing the expenses that may arise from said claims.
    • The first author states that such material, both written and images, has the corresponding authorizations for the use intended herein.
    • The first author of the selected works for exhibition must be registered in the Symposium. In case of not being able to attend the event, they may delegate to a co-author.
    • The first author of the selected works authorizes the TTD Group to present his/her case on the official website of the Congress.

2. Submission & Calendar

Papers will be submitted electronically using the form of the official congress platform included in the TTD Group website (

The submission period for clinical cases begins on September 9th and ends at 23:59h on October 31st.

3. Guidelines for writing the clinical case

In order to maintain uniformity in the cases presented, an abstract should be submitted, which may be written indistinctly in Spanish or English and should have the following structure:

  • a) Title and authors with a surname and first name. Name of the service and the hospital or workplace.
  • b) Introduction, where its interest, originality and contribution are justified.
  • c) Description of the case, including:
    • Medical history (anamnesis).
    • Physical examination.
    • Complementary tests.
    • Differential and final diagnosis.
    • Treatment and evolution.
  • d) Brief discussion
  • e) Bibliography according to Vancouver standards.
  • f) Tables and graphs.
  • g) Imagery.

The abstract will have a maximum length of 600 words (excluding sections a, e, f and g).

The information must be presented in a clearly, orderly, and comprehensive, defining the abbreviations the first time they are used and expressing the results of the tests with their corresponding units of measurement.

In all cases, the evolution of the case should be reported, and efforts should be made to present resolved cases.

Any reference to personal identifying data of patients or their relatives (proper names, places of residence, etc.), data that allow the patient to be identified, as well as any information thereof that is not relevant to the case should be omitted.

Regarding treatments, the active substances should be indicated and not the trademarks. When a product is used for compassionate use, it should be clearly reflected in the text.

4. Evaluation of the work

The Evaluation Committee will be constituted by the members of the Congress Committee of the TTD Group.

The evaluation of the Jury will be blind, and no member of the Jury can assess the case(s) of their own center.

The notification of the winning cases will be made by email to the first author.

It will not be possible to award two or more prizes to the same institution in the same call.

Additionally, three prizes (TTD Group Virtual Classroom enrollment grants) may be awarded to the cases that receive the highest number of votes through popular voting by the congress attendees. These prizes cannot be accumulated with those granted by the Evaluation Committee, so that a case cannot receive both prizes.

The decision of the Jury will be final and cannot be appealed.

5. Prizes and presentation of cases

The Congress Committee will select three winners, who will receive the following prizes:

  • First prize 1,800 euros.
  • Second prize 1,200 euros.
  • Third prize 600 euros.

The awards ceremony will be held during the development of the XXXII Symposium of the TTD Group and the author of the first prize winning case will have 5 minutes for his presentation to the attendees.

With the approval of the Congress Committee, all cases will be presented in a poster display during the XXXII Symposium of the TTD Group that will take place in Pamplona on December 11-13, 2024. The notification of the cases for exhibition, along with instructions for poster elaboration, will be sent by email to the first author.

6. Publication

The TTD Group will publish a compilation book with ISBN that can be disseminated through its website. The presentation of the clinical case implies the that the rights of dissemination, reproduction and distribution in electronic format will be transferred to the TTD Group for an indefinite period of time and without territorial limits. The TTD Group may involve third parties in carrying out these actions. The authors implicitly authorize any formal modifications that may be necessary to adapt their manuscript to the needs of exploitation. Cases that, in the jury´s opinion, do not meet sufficient quality may be rejected.

7. Scholarships

The Organizing Committee of the Congress will award 5 scholarships of the registration fee to the Symposium for the residents participating in the contest. The selection will be made through a random draw among the first authors who have submitted clinical cases once the period of sending them has ended.