

About the Symposium

Dear Friend,

It is a great honor for us to invite you to the XXXII International Symposium on Advances in the Treatment of Digestive Tumors organized by the TTD Group, which will be held for the first time in Pamplona on December 11th, 12th, and 13th of this year. On this occasion, the scientific committee will consist of representatives from Pamplona along with representatives from Cantabria, Galicia, and Catalonia.

We have aimed to address the most pressing topics in digestive oncology and merge them into a program with a varied format that intends to create an atmosphere where dialogue flows more easily, enriching the debate and making it more participatory for the audience.

As always, we will have the participation of prestigious national and international speakers, whose involvement we appreciate from here. Their presentations will be part of a program that maintains our usual structure, with sessions dedicated to gastroesophageal tumors, biliary tract, and hepatocellular carcinoma, along with pancreatic tumors and NETs on the first day, followed by the traditional sessions dedicated to colorectal cancer on the second day. To make the sessions more dynamic, we will have debates on current hot topics in which all attendees can participate, and we will take the opportunity to review the long history of the TTD Group, led by its president of over 20 years.

We also value the participation of our residents in the scientific content of the event through the presentation of clinical cases in the 12th edition of the Clinical Case Competition.

The members of the organizing committee have put all our effort and enthusiasm into making the program enjoyable and interesting for you, and it will be a great pleasure to have your attendance and to welcome you personally in Pamplona.

Ruth Vera
Coordinator of the Organizing Committee, Pamplona

Palace of Congresses and Auditorium of Navarra Baluarte

The BALUARTE Conference Center and Auditorium of Navarra is the reference in the region for hosting MICE activities (conferences, meetings and events) as well as cultural activities.

Baluarte is one of the largest conference centers in Spain, with a total surface area of 63,000 m2.

Palace of Congresses and Auditorium of Navarra Baluarte

Find the address of the venue



Symposium accredited with 1,1 credits by the General Secretariat for Public Health and R&D&I in Health of the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, Regional Government of Andalusia.

The minimum attendance required to obtain the accreditation certificate is 80% of the total duration of the activity.